The Missing Piece to Your Analog Press: The Commercial Retrofit Advantage

Available Until: 9/12/17
Duration & Cost: 60 min & FREE

Peter Kuschnitzky

IPT Digital

Cameron McClean

Managing Partner
Still Creek Press

Mark Michelson

Printing Impressions

Mark Michelson

Printing Impressions

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Retrofitting your existing analog press or finishing equipment allows you to capture the benefits of inkjet printing without the cost and challenges of standalone inkjet solutions.

Register now to learn how Still Creek Press, a full-service printing company, successfully transformed their printing operation by integrating a hybrid solution that incorporates high quality, high speed inkjet print engines.

What you will learn:

  • How to determine if a commercial retrofit is right for your organization
  • The disadvantages of printing on an analog press in today’s market and the solutions an inkjet retrofit can provide to help your business run more efficiently
  • The different applications appropriate for inkjet and how to determine which ones are a good fit for your business
  • How to find your breakeven point to affordably print small and large volume jobs that are still financially viable for your company efficiently
  • How to capture more business by understanding the value of inkjet and introduce, customized, high-quality, variable data print jobs at an affordable cost

Questions? Email us at [email protected] or give us a call at (215) 238-5300.

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